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Gingival Recession: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

According to the Dentist in Pitampura, Gingival recession is a disease that manifests itself through the reduction of the gums and the gradual change of the direction of the root of the tooth. It is a serious aesthetic problem, as the teeth protrude more than normal and the gums are reduced, exposing the root of the teeth.

In this sense, this disorder is common in people of all ages. However, people over 40 are more likely.

What are the causes of the recession of the gums?

According to the Best Dentist in Pitampura, the most common causes of gingival recession are:

  • Incorrect oral hygiene, such as using a toothbrush with hard bristles or brushing the teeth exerting too much pressure on the gum and damaging it causing bleeding.

  • The presence of gingivitis that is not treated properly or has evolved to periodontitis. In this sense, the gingival recession associated with these diseases usually leads to redness and bleeding of the gums. If you want to know more about these diseases, check out this video about periodontitis.

  • The significant lack of vitamin C, so you should try to maintain a balanced diet.

  • The incorrect position of the teeth can have negative consequences on the gum tissue and cause a greater predisposition to the disease.

  • Suffering disorders such as bruxism or bulimia, can also cause gingival recession.

What are the symptoms of gingival recession?

The recession does not have a sudden appearance, it is a progressive phenomenon that extends over time. However, it is usually preceded by inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In addition, problems related to gingival tissue are accompanied by other oral problems such as halitosis and dental hypersensitivity, says Orthodontist in Pitampura.

How to avoid the recession of the gums?

Proper oral hygiene is essential to prevent any oral health problems. We recommend brushing your teeth at least three times a day, mainly after each meal, using a soft bristle brush and toothpaste recommended by Best Dentist in Shalimar Bagh.

Likewise, flossing daily also helps as it eliminates the remains of food that remain between the teeth. Finally, do not forget to use a fluoride mouthwash to prevent bacterial plaque.

How can recession of the gums be treated?

If we detect the first signs, such as bleeding, inflammation or redness, you must go to the Dentist in Shalimar Bagh imminently for an exploration and diagnosis. The early detection of periodontal disease will help us to prevent the progression of the disease.

The most effective solution to restore the natural shape of the gum is the transplant of the gum itself to the areas that suffered retraction, a concrete and effective treatment at the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh that allows to recreate the lost tissue and blocks future recessions.

In more serious cases, it can result in the loss of one or more teeth. If this is your case, implantology is undoubtedly the best solution since you will recover the functionality and aesthetics of the piece or pieces lost.

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